About Us

AA Academy is a non-profit organization that serves the community by teaching Chinese language and heritage.  We are accredited by the Taiwan Overseas Association as a Digital Chinese Language School by enhancing our curriculum with the latest computer and digital technology.  By utilizing the latest in digital technology we are able to teach Chinese language and heritage in a way that is not only modern but avant-garde.  Although, Chinese culture and language is one of the oldest in the world, we believe that by using innovative methods of learning allows it to be taught in a way that is engaging to students that study in a technological savvy age.  Additionally, it is not enough to read, write, and speak a language.  In order to gain a deeper understanding and insight it is essential to understand culture, heritage, and tradition.  Only by coupling language and heritage are we truly able to grasp the meaning of being Chinese. 

A weak foundation is doomed for failure, while a strong base provides the strength necessary for development.  We at AA Academy believe that a structured learning curriculum provides the foundation for success.  All of a student's basic needs must be met before the learning process may begin.  A student must feel safe, secure, and happy before academic growth may begin.  AA Academy provides an environment that enables students to not only meet their own full potential but to help the student to their left and right to reach their pinnacle.  Society is not built by a single person, we aim to make our students into pillars that may support and progress not only themselves, but our collective society into the future.